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Course Structure


Our integrated approach will offer an insight into the research done at Freiburg University's internationally renowned research facilities while offering a chance to gain first-hand experience in neuroscientific research in our state-of-the-art facilities. 


First Semester

You will begin your program obtaining a comprehensive education in the foundations of neuroscience and the experimental and theoretical methods used in neuroscientific research. In the lecture "From Membrane to Brain" and the accompanying seminar, you will acquire in depth knowledge about the structure and functional principles underlying brain function and neuroanatomical structures, organizational schemes, and processes in nerve cells and functional systems of the brain (e.g. visual, auditory, motor, somatosensory and cognitive systems). In two practical courses "Physiology and anatomy of neuronal systems" and "Neurophysiology I: Measurement and Analysis of Neuronal Activity" practical experience in basic neurobiology will be gained in (i) measuring and analyzing physiological properties of neurons and neuronal networks and (ii) in comparative and functional neuroanatomy in rodents and humans on the basis of fixed tissue specimens and models. Important theoretical concepts and mathematical tools essential for model building and data analysis in neuroscience will be taught in a separate "Quantitative Methods in Neuroscience" course consisting of lectures and practical exercises. 


Second Semester

As soon as in the second term you will have the chance to focus on a specific neuroscientific topic. While you will meet with all students of your semester in the "Advanced Topics in Neuroscience" module, consisting of a lecture series and regular "Journal Clubs" to discuss recent neuroscience publications, you can individually choose from various elective subjects such as "Neural Circuits and Behavior", "Computational Neuroscience" and "Neurotechnology".


Third Semester

In the third semester you will continue with lab work related to your specialization, diving deeper into practical work. You will enter two research laboratories for two "Research Projects" during each of which you carry out a project which matches your specific neuroscientific interests. Furthermore this will allow you explore research fields for future MSc thesis opportunities.


Fourth Semester

The fourth semester will be dedicated to your masters thesis project and the preparation of your written thesis and the final oral exam.


 Current Module Handbook PO 2021 (from winter term 2023/24)

Please remember that the module handbook is current for the  semester WiSe 2023/24 and SoSe 2024.
In the elective modules, the composition of the courses is continuously being developed and may change in the coming semesters.



Module Handbook Archive:

Module handbooks PO 2021 (from winter term 2022/23):

First Semester: Module 1: Foundations of Neuroscience & Module 2: Methods in Neuroscience

Second Semester: Module 3 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience & Module 4: Electives


Module handbooks PO 2021 (from winter term 2021/22):

First Semester: Module 1: Foundations of Neuroscience & Module 2: Methods in Neuroscience

Second Semester: Module 3: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience & Module 4: Electives

Third Semester: Modules 5 & 6: Research Projects


Module handbooks PO 2016:

First Semester: Module 1: Foundations of NeuroscienceModule 2: Methods in Neuroscience

Second Semester: Module 3: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience IModule 4: Electives

Third Semester: Module 5: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience IIModules 6&7: Research Projects


The examination regulations of the program (PO 2016 and PO 2021) can be found here.